Last week while a friend from Portland, OR was visiting we took a day-trip to Giverny where Claude Monet had lived and painted. It was about an hour train trip outside of Paris to Vernon then a short hop on a local bus. The bus dropped everyone in a parking area and then we walked about 10 minutes to get to his house. The town itself is very tiny so we packed a lunch and ate under some trees before going to the house. The gardens were in full bloom so it was spectacular to see but unfortunately, it was the day of a national holiday so the place was jammed with tourist. Our favorite part was the pond where he had painted his famous water lilies. In this photo you can see some of that but there were gorgeous reflections all around it with huge weeping willows and numerous flowering trees, bushes, and flowers. They even had a simple wooden boat sitting under the weeping willows showing the exact scene that he had painted. Although the house doesn't have any of his original works, there was a large collection of reproductions in one of the rooms with a listing of where the originals could be seen. I highly recommend the place on a day mid-week day during the off season so you could actually sit and idle away some time enjoying the beauty of the landscape.
Yes, it was wonderful and the only downside was the crowd. It was strange (in a good way) to stand at the actual location that inspired his beautiful paintings so long ago.