It's a Busy Life

It's a Busy Life

Monday, January 18, 2010

Birthday e-card

Tom, a friend here in Paris, sent this to me today since it's my birthday....and the day I am officially qualified to get my Social Security from the States....YIPEE!!!  I never thought that 62 would feel so good.  I will write more after I get back from my birthday dinner. 


  1. Happy Birthday, Nancy. I'm happy to discover your blog and learn more about your life in Paris. Portland's still not the same without you!

  2. What about the birthday dinner you promised to tell us about? You're getting slack! Love

  3. Happy Birthday Nuszy! I have fond memories of your 50th -- Irish soda biscuits and skiing around Trillium lake. Hard to fathom that was 12 years ago!

  4. Nancy, So sorry I missed your actual birthday. A belated Happy Birthday to you. I hope you had a blast. I'm loving reading your posts. Though I start salivating with the descriptions of markets and little restaurants and such. I love the photo of you and your Mom. I hope she is well.
